This is not the story of the mechanised equiform on the misleading cover, but rather is the fourth hefty volume of Lawrence Burton's book reviews, 276 of the fuckers to be specific, ranging from Andrea Dworkin's uncompromising and insightful analysis of sexual inequality to those issues of Captain Britain wherein a nutter with a small radio controlled bird somehow aspires to take control of the entire country. There's 52.2% less science-fiction than in the first collection but a substantially higher count of children's comic books, seven titles by D.H. Lawrence, fair old helpings of Murray Leinster, Richard Brautigan, Bill Burroughs and no less than thirteen Doctor Who novels, for what that may be worth. The previous volume, Mist Softly Happened of 2019, was awarded the prestigious Roquefort-Diplodocus Prize for Literary Criticism so it's a safe bet that this one is also a belter, which is why you should buy it.